
About Us

CORTLAND COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB, INC., was incorporated as “Not-For-Profit Corporation” on April 5, 2004
The annual Corn-Ducky Derby has been the prime source of fundraising for CCSC, with much success. The Derby is held annually on the first Saturday of May in Dry Creek  in Suggett Park. “It’s Duck Season” slogan has become a highly recognized Community Fundraiser with most Cortland retail businesses and groups particiapting in the the sale of “Duck Tickets”. More than twenty adult and youth groups annually use the Corn-Ducky Derby as their main fundraiser, since they receive half of the funds from the tickets they sell.
As of June 2024, CCSC has raised and given out over $488,000. Some of the prime beneficiaries of these funds are: Cortland YWCA & YMCA, J.M. McDonald Sports Complex, Lime Hollow Nature Center, Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Programs and Area School Groups/Teams and Classes.
PURPOSE: The purposes for which this corporation has been organized are as   
Section 1. To provide opportunities for members from the greater Cortland Community to meet and work together providing service to the greater Cortland Community.
Section 2. To raise and provide funds for selected greater Cortland Community needs with an emphasis on youth programs.
Section 3. To host meetings during which educational/informational forums maybe held for the benefit of the greater Cortland Community and/or members.
Expectations as a Member:
  • Dues: Annual membership dues should be paid by the first Monday of November of the current program year, or within the first 30 days of becoming a member. Annual dues are $40.
  • Attendance: Attendance is encouraged, but not mandatory.Come when you can, programs are interstesting and can be fun.
  • Volunteering: Most of our volunteering has centered around hosting the annual Corn-Ducky Derby. Members are encouraged to step up to assist in completing many of the tasks involved.
  • Duck Tickets: Each member is issued a number of tickets of which they are highly encouraged to buy and/or sell.